Preaching Project Sermon Resources

As a part of the Preaching Project initiative, you have access to all the resources for the sermon series below. Take a look at the series below and download the resources you find helpful. Feel free to modify as needed for your use. We pray these resources are a blessing to you and your congregations! 

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Linchpin: Reasons to Believe the Resurrection (3 weeks)

The apostle Paul says that the resurrection of Jesus is the event on which our faith stands or falls. But can we test whether the resurrection is true? In this series, we look at evidence for Jesus’ resurrection.

Exodus (12 weeks)

The story of the exodus is one of the most famous stories in the world.  But beyond the famous scenes is a record – and a promise – of redemption.  When sin oppresses the people of God, God rescues His people!  In this way, the story of the exodus foreshadows the exodus from sin, death, and the devil won for us by one who is greater than Moses – Jesus!

Game Over (6 weeks)

If you’ve ever played a video or arcade game, there inevitably comes the moment when you lose and two words flash across your screen: “GAME OVER.” The Bible is full of people who make wrong moves. And yet, just at the moment it looks like the game is over, God, out of His grace, invites people to play again.

Heart Conversations (5 weeks)

During Valentine’s Day, hearts are everywhere – on cards, on plush toys, and, of course, on candies. In this series, we will have conversations about the darker things in our hearts, so we can confront these things, deal with them, and then replace them with what is meant to be in our hearts – love.

Where to Share (5 weeks)

The gospel is meant to be shared everywhere!  Whether we leave on a mission trip or talk with our neighbors or model Christ’s love to our coworker or pray for our families, we can hold out our hope in our spheres of influence.  In this series, we’ll talk about how we can share our faith where we’re at.

Strange But True (4 weeks)

Christian teaching is full of plenty of paradoxes that, on first heart, sound strange, but are actually true!  In this series, we take a look at some of these paradoxes and how they can shape our faith.

Show & Tell (4 weeks)

The apostle Paul writes to a pastor named Timothy: “Pay close attention to your life and your teaching; persevere in these things, for in doing this you will save both yourself and your hearers” (1 Timothy 4:16).  Paul identifies two things critical for leading others to salvation in Christ.  In this series, we discuss ways to show and tell about our faith.

Amazing Grace (2 weeks)

At the heart of the Reformation movement was a rediscovery of God’s grace. In this series, we take some time to reflect on how amazing God’s grace is and how it can both challenge and change our lives.

Lead Where You Are (4 weeks)

During this pandemic, leadership is needed now more than ever. No matter who you are, someone is looking to you to help them through. Christ’s ministry consisted of three ways He led us – as a prophet (someone who proclaimed God’s Word), as a priest (someone who sacrificed on our behalf), and as a king (someone who rules according to God’s ways). In this series, we discuss what it looks like to lead in these ways, using sections from Philippians 2.

Peace of Mind (2 weeks)

One of the things the COVID-19 pandemic has wrought – among many other things – is an abundance of mental health concerns. In this series, we do an honest mental health checkup and discuss strategies for regaining our peace of mind.

Re-Opening Christianity (5 weeks)

Throughout this pandemic, church buildings have been closed. As things begin to re- open, the Church has a chance to ask: What have we learned? What can we do differently? In this series, we will look at the heart of who we are called to be as God’s people so that, as our churches re-open, more people can be welcomed!

Attitude Adjustment (4 weeks)

It can be difficult to keep a positive attitude during a crisis like COVID-19. In this series, we explore some of the challenges people are facing during this pandemic and we discover how God can change our attitudes during this time of trial.

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God Only Knows (3 weeks)

As we get back to work and things settle into “the new normal,” we face a lot of uncertainty. What businesses will survive? How long will we have to socially distance? Will our kids be able to go back to school? What will our economy look like? In this series, we talk about three things we can do when we don’t know what lies ahead, trusting that what we don’t know, God does, and He has revealed what we need to know in Christ and through His Word.

Fear Not (3 weeks)

Our headlines are full of fear. From concerns about a global pandemic in COVID-19 to financial market uncertainty to political turmoil, there is plenty of fear in our world. One of the most common commands in the Bible is to “Fear not!” In this series, we talk about the reasons why, in a world that is full of fear, we do not have to be afraid.

Genesis (14 weeks)

Charles Dickens begins his classic, A Tale of Two Cities, saying, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”  This is not only a synopsis of the time before the French Revolution, it is a synopsis of all history.  Every time carries with it good and bad.  The book of Genesis explains why this is the case.  Ever since sin entered the world, the best and the worst have locked horns.  The book of Genesis looks at the tension between the best and the worst and offers hope that the best is yet to come.

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Love Is...(Lent series, 13 weeks, including midweek lessons)

Lent is a season that calls us to reflect on the great love that Christ has for us – a love so great that it moves Him to die.  We, of course, are not only to reflect on Christ’s love, but reflect out His love to the world.  As Jesus Himself commands: “Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another” (John 13:34).  In this series, we look at some of the ways we can reflect Jesus’ love, using Paul’s description of what love is from 1 Corinthians 13.


Jonah (5 weeks)

Jonah is one of the most well-known stories of the Bible.  Yet, many of us know only that there is a prophet who gets swallowed by a fish.  But the story reaches far deeper and teaches us about sin and grace.  Sin is when we run from God.  Grace is when God runs after us.  Both happen in Jonah.  In this series, we will unpack these twin themes of sin and grace and discover how God has grace not only for us, but for the world.

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Willpower (4 weeks)

We all can be overcome by temptation – sometimes over and over again.  Often, we try to tackle temptation through sheer willpower.  We simply “try really hard” to resist sin.  But our own willpower can never overcome sin.  Thankfully, God’s will has the power to transform our hearts and change our lives.

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Receipts (3 weeks)

Whenever we make a purchase, we get a receipt.  A receipt is a reminder that a transaction has taken place.  In this series, we’ll do a “receipt review” in light of what God’s Word says about stewardship and ask:  What do my receipts say about the transactions I make and the heart I have toward God and money?

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Christmas Light (7 weeks)

One of the favorite scenes of the Christmas season are all the Christmas lights.  There are Christmas lights on homes and in malls.  But for all the peace and serenity Christmas lights may communicate, the Christmas season can feel anything but peaceful and serene.  It can feel overwhelming and burdening!  In this series, we look at how to make Christmas light – cutting through the clutter of the season and getting back to what matters most.


Red Letter Challenge (7 weeks)

Jesus not only wants us to listen to Him, He wants us to live for Him.  He makes this clear at the end of His Sermon on the Mount when He challenges everyone listening not only to hear His words, but to put them into practice (Matthew 7:24).  In this series, we will seek to hear Jesus’ words and then act on them as part of a 40-day challenge created by Pastor Zach Zehnder.

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Thoughts and Prayers (5 weeks)

Whenever a tragedy strikes, national leaders will often announce that they are sending what has become a much-maligned offering of “thoughts and prayers.”  Many people not only question the sincerity of these offerings, but their effectiveness.  “Does prayer do anything?”  “Does anyone hear?”  In this series, we explore the amazing gift of prayer and why every circumstance – whether it is joyful or tragic – ought to be informed and formed by prayer.

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Soul Keeping (6 weeks)

In the crush of life’s duties, we often forget that there is more to life than the responsibilities we have.  There is the people we are becoming.  Most people long to understand better the core of who they are – described by the Bible as the “soul.”  In this series, we will discover what the soul is, and how we can have healthy souls.

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God Questions (3 weeks)

Everyone has questions about God!  In this series, we look at some of the most fundamental spiritual questions that many people have, each of which draws us closer to what faith truly looks like.


There’s No Place Like Home (4 weeks)

Home holds a special place in many of our hearts.  It’s a place we grew up.  It has memories we hold sacred.  For others, home holds a more hurtful place in our hearts.  The memories of growing up in a broken and angry household can still sting.  How do we foster a home that is nurturing and loving?  How do we love, how do we parent, and, most importantly, how do we share and live our faith at home?


Foundations: Back to the Basics of Faith (6 weeks)

Christ is the cornerstone of our faith.  This means the foundation of our life as the people of God is built upon Him. In this series, we take a look at the teachings of Scripture that comprise the foundation of our faith and see how they center on Christ and shape our everyday lives.


The Ten(der) Commandments (10 weeks)

The Ten Commandments are often portrayed as little more than rules that must be followed simply because they were given by divine fiat.  But these rules have not only a God behind them, but a loving God behind them.  It is out of God’s tender heart that he gives us these commandments, wanting what is best for us.  In this series, we look not only at the Ten Commandments, but at the loving reason behind them.


Liar Liar (6 weeks)

The most dangerous lies are the ones we believe because we don’t even know they’re not true! Sadly, our culture has bought into many lies from Satan that are downright destructive. In this series, we deconstruct some of Satan’s most popular lies so that God’s Word may not only reconstruct the truth, but bring hope to many lives.


Love Does (5 weeks)

According to the Bible, love is much more than a feeling you have, a place you fall, or a treasure you find.  You love is something that you do.  In this series, based on Bob Goff’s book Love Does, we explore what God’s love looks like and discuss how we can reflect God’s love in our lives.

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The ________ That Stole Christmas (7 weeks)

Christmas is supposed to be full of good cheer and pleasant memories. But with all the stressors of the season, there are plenty of Grinches waiting to steal our Christmas joy. In this series, we look at some of the most common things that can steal our joy during the holidays while also remembering that Christ can restore what sin seeks to take.